- Full Name: Naomi Ellen Watts
- Date of birth: September 28, 1968 (56 years old)
- Location: Shoreham, Kent
- Country: UK
Family and relationships
- Partners: Billy Crudup (2016 - Actualidad)
- 2014 Razzie Awards: 4 0
- 2013 Golden Globes: 1 0
- 2013 Goya Awards: 1 0
- 2004 Academy Awards (Oscars): 2 0
Last appearances: movies and tv shows
- Highest-rated movie: Birdman (2014) 8.9
- Lowest-rated movie: Children of the Corn: The Gathering (1996) 4.0
- Highest-rated tv show: Feud (2017) 8.8
- Lowest-rated tv show: Gypsy (2017) 7.3


October 9 2019
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