Jack Ryan
Actor - Nicolás Reyes
8 capítulos
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
Actor - Alexei Miiskin
Ibiza: Love Drunk
Actor - Hernando
Actor - Dr. Salvador Ruiz
2 capítulos
Operación Concha
Actor - Litarco
The music of Silence
Actor - Xavier Heimdahl
Actor - Dorian
Bigas x Bigas
Treintona, Soltera y Fantástica
Actor - Óscar
In the Heart of the Sea
Actor - Spanish Captain
Latin Lover
Actor - Alfonso
Actor - Santana
A Gun in Each Hand
Actor - M.
There Be Dragons
Actor - José
Actor - Marco
Knight and Day
Actor - Antonio
Actor - Valentin
The Conspiracy
Actor - Mateo Vázquez
Che: Part Two
Actor - Captain Mario Vargas
Original Gangsters
Actor - Leonardo Bátiz
The Absent
Actor - Samuel
The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 2: Vaux to the Sea
Actor - Jan Palmerion
Bad Boys 2
Actor - Hector Juan Carlos "Johnny" Tapia
Sound of the sea
Nobody Know Anybody
Actor - Sapo
Actor - Manuel Godoy
The Stolen Years
Actor - Tomás
Lucky Star
Actor - Daniel
Stories from the Kronen
Actor - Roberto
Actor - Ariel
A Tale of Ham and Passion
Actor - El niñato