- Full Name: Gwyneth Kate Paltrow
- Date of birth: September 27, 1972 (52 years old)
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Country: USA
Family and relationships
- Spouses: Brad Falchuk (2017 - Actualidad) , Chris Martin (2003 - 2016)
- Grandchildren: Jennifer Aniston
- Partners: Brad Pitt (1994 - 1996) , Ben Affleck (1997 - 1998)
- 2016 Razzie Awards: 1 0
- 1999 Academy Awards (Oscars): 1 1
Last appearances: movies and tv shows
- Highest-rated movie: Avengers Assemble (2012) 9.1
- Lowest-rated movie: Mortdecai (2015) 3.5
- Highest-rated tv show: Glee (2009) 6.7
- Lowest-rated tv show: Glee (2009) 6.7

Ten actors and actresses who are not as valuable as before
Fame isn't a thing that lasts forever. We review the cases of ten Hollywood stars whose value has decreased in the past few years.
August 6 2014

May 3 2018
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