- Full Name: Fernando Guillén Gallego
- Date of birth: November 22, 1932
- Location: Barcelona
- Country: Spain
- Died at: 80 years old (January 17, 2013)
Family and relationships
- Spouses: Gemma Cuervo
- Children: Fernando Guillén Cuervo , Cayetana Guillén Cuervo
- Grandchildren: Fernando Guillén Cuervo
Last appearances: movies and tv shows
- Highest-rated movie: Why Do They Call It Love When They Mean Sex? (1993) 9.3
- Lowest-rated movie: ESO (2009) 6.0
- Highest-rated tv show: Personal Motives (2005) 8.0
- Lowest-rated tv show: Central Hospital (2000) 5.9
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