- Full Name: Alicia Amanda Vikander
- Date of birth: October 3, 1988 (36 years old)
- Location: Gothenburg, Västra Götalands Iän
- Country: Sweden
- Height: 1,66m
Alicia Vikander has been active for 11 years, participating in 21 movies that average a 6.3/10 score.
Family and relationships
- Partners: Michael Fassbender (2013 - Actualidad)
- 2016 Academy Awards (Oscars): 1 1
- 2016 Golden Globes: 2 0
- 2016 BAFTA Awards: 2 0
Last appearances: movies and tv shows
- Highest-rated movie: Testament Of Youth (2014) 8.0
- Lowest-rated movie: Earthquake Bird (2019) 4.3


English trailer 'Earthquake bird'
November 8 2019
A trained ballet dancer. She studied ballet at the Royal Swedish Ballet School, but decided to pursue acting instead of ballet, following few injuries and subsequent foot and back surgeries.
One of her favorite experiences from the production of 'Anna Karenina' was the filming that took place in the countryside outside of St. Petersburg, Russia. The temperatures dipped to -40 °C, and she stayed in a cabin for five days that didn't have hot water and only had benches instead of beds.
The directors she dreams to work with are Lars von Trier, Terrence Malick and Quentin Tarantino.