
'Heroes' trivia and fun facts

The rotating earth featured in the series logo shows a bright spot just off the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. That is the site of an asteroid impact widely believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, which opened the way for the rise of mammals, thus the spot could be a subtle reference to the show's theme of a new evolutionary leap.

The license plate on Kaito Nakamura's car is NCC-1701. George Takei, who plays Kaito, was Mr. Sulu in the original incarnation of 'Star Trek' and NCC-1701 is the registry number of the USS Enterprise.

Emma Stone auditioned for the role of Claire Bennet.

Mr. Bennett's business card has no name, no phone number, and no other contact information. All it says is "www.primatechpaper.com". If you went to the URL, you'll find a rudimentary website for the Primatech Paper company, including a brief company history, a phone number (1-800-PRIMA-16), and an online job application, complete with personality test. As of June 2014 the URL goes to NBC's official 'Heroes' page on NBC.com.

Hayden Panettiere (Claire Bennet) and Danielle Savre (Jackie Wilcox) previously appeared together as cheerleaders in 'Bring it on: All or nothing'.

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