
'Blindspot' trivia and fun facts

This is the third time Jaimie's character suffers from memory loss. The first was her character, "Jessi" in the short lived TV series "Kyle XY". The second time was Lady Sif on "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD", episode "Who You Really Are".

Episode titles are seemingly three nonsense words but are actually anagrams. For example, "Eight Slim Grins" can be rearranged to "The Missing Girl" or "Missing the Girl". "A Stray Howl" can be decoded as "Taylor Shaw".

For the first episode Jane Doe is found in Times Square. To get a real effect Times Square was shut off just so they could film the scene.

Jaimie Alexander must sit in the make-up chair for 7 1/2 hours to have all the elaborate tattoos applied to her body for each day's shooting.

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