Saga Three Colors trilogy

Three Colors trilogy

Formed by three films under the title : blue, white and red. The colors of the French flag read from left to right. The story of each film is loosely based on one of the ideal, known popularly, of French culture: liberty, equality and fraternity. Shown in a totally ironic and ambiguous, Krzysztof Kie?lowski gives us three completely different stories. Symbols also anti-tragedy, anti-comedy and anti-romance, a new style of composition. Each film is carried by a different cast: the first, 'Three Colours: Blue' we find Juliette Binoche, Benoît Régent and Florence Pernel, in 'Three Colors: White' to the head are Julie Delpy, Janusz Gajos and Zbiniew Zamachowski and last in 'Three colors: red', Irène Jacob, Jean- Louis Trintignant and Jean-Pierre Lorit.

Movies from the saga Three Colors trilogy

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