Saga The Chronicles of Narnia

The Chronicles of Narnia

The world of Narnia is a fictional world created by the writer C.S. Lewis and developed in a series of seven books that have their referents in biblical events and irish stories. Narnia is a magical place, dominated by fantasy and adventure where live a series of creatures and capable of talking animals whose maximum governor is Aslan, a legendary lion who created it. The story begins when four brothers called Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter discover while are playing a magical wardrobe that has access to a world unknown and parallel. Leaving aside the harsh reality that surrounds them (are experiencing hardships and decline of the Second World War) decide to enter Narnia and contact beings exotic as fauns, elves and centaurs that are under the condemnation of the White Witch. It is then when young boys decide to join the lion Aslan to fight the villain that has all the subject people. The Narnia saga recounts all the adventures, peculiarities, exploits and risks of a bizarre world where not even the imagination knows bounds.

Movies from the saga The Chronicles of Narnia

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