Saga Star Wars

'Star Wars' is probably the most successful movie franchise ever. Created by George Lucas in 1977, 'Star Wars' storyline is based on a fictional "far, far away" galaxy where the good - the Jedi - fights against evil - the Sith -. The "Force", a characteristic element of the movies, depicts the ability to develop several supernatural powers and is used by the Jedis to do good and the Sith for the opposite. 'Star Wars' is a triple movie trilogy.
The first three movies "A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" were released between 1977 and 1983 rapidly becoming a cultural pop phenomenon. 16 years later, George Lucas decided to create a second trilogy, serving as a prequel for the original movies. All three films were again a box office hit, while the critic wasn't as unanimously pleased. In 2012 Disney buys Lucasfilm becoming the owner of the Star Wars franchise announcing a third trilogy, this one occurring after the original movies set to be released between 2015 and 2019.
George Lucas has directed 4 of the 6 original movies while J.J. Abrams is set to direct at least one of the new movies. John Williams is the author of the iconic original soundtrack and main theme. With more than 4 billion dollars generated, 'Star Wars' is a money making machine with an expanded portfolio including television series, comic books, video games and lots of merchandising.