Saga Shrek
The Shrek franchise from DreamWorks Animation, based on William Steig's picture book with the same name, consists of four computer-animated films including: 'Shrek' (2001), 'Shrek 2' (2004), 'Shrek the Third' (2007), and 'Shrek Forever After' (2010). A short 3D film, 'Shrek 4-D', which originally was a theme park ride, was released in 2003. Two television specials, the Christmas television special Shrek the Halls (2007) and the Halloween television special Scared 'Shrekless' (2010), have also been produced. A spin-off film titled Puss in Boots was released in October 2011. A Broadway musical adaption was also released. The series primarily focuses on Shrek, a reclusive but kindhearted ogre, who becomes a respected hero with an ever growing collection of friends and family in a fairy tale world in spite of himself.