Saga Poltergeist

'Poltergeist' is the name of the american SCI-FI and terror movies. The stories begins in 1982 with the first film: 'Poltergeist' (Tobe Hooper, 1982). There are three chapters and a recent remake: 'Poltergeist II' (Brian Gibson, 1986), 'Poltergeist III' (Gary Sherman, 1988) and the most recent 'Poltergeist' (Gil Kenan, 2015).
The story talks about the disturbing events who happens at the suburbs. There are a family who suffers a lot of disturbing moments, because the poltergeist phenomenon is taken place.
The movies one, two and three are starring by Heather O'Rourke (Carol Anne Freeling), JoBeth Williams (Diane Freeling) and Craig T. Nelson (Steve Freeling). At the remake of 2015 the actors Sam Rockwell (Eric Bowen), Jared Harris (Carrigan Burke) y Rosemarie DeWitt (Amy Bowen) are the new leading roles.
The first movie had Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall as a writer and Steven Spielberg, Michael Grais and Mark Victorproducer as a producer. Jerry Goldsmith was the musician composer at the films one and two.