Saga Planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes

Planet of the Apes is a franchise of American films comprising eight films, including a remake, a reboot, two television series (one animated) and several comics and books. The series begins with the science fiction film 1968 'Planet of the Apes', which is based on the 1963 French novel La Planete des singes - Monkey Planet or Planet of the Apes - written by Pierre Boulle. The first five films produced from 1968 to 1973, were produced by Arthur P. Jacobs, based on the novel by Boulle and distributed by 20th Century Fox. These include the fall of the human race and the rise of a race of intelligent apes through the views of the astronauts George Taylor (Charlton Heston) and John Brent (James Franciscus), simian Zira (Kim Hunter) and ape Cornelius (Roddy McDowall) and his son César - also played by McDowall). The first film was written with Rod Serling, creator of The Twilight Zone and Night Gallery. This was followed by two television series in the 1970's live-action series called Planet of the Apes and takes place approximately 900 years before the original film Planet of the Apes and showing a civilization where apes They are the dominant race. The second set was a 1975 animated series the Planet of the Apes directed by Doug Wildey is independent of the historical context of the film. In 2001 it came the film Planet of the Apes is a remake of the original Planet of the Apes. It was directed by Tim Burton, the film was a new interpretation of Boulle's novel, with new visual effects and makeup of the Apes. This version in particular, he has negatively criticized. In 2011, 20th Century Fox produced a reboot of the original series, called Rise of the Planet of the Apes, directed by Rupert Wyatt. The cast has James Franco and tells the story of a rebellion of apes on Earth, led by a genetically altered chimp named Caesar (Andy Serkis). It aims to be the first in a new series of películas.2 The sequel, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, was released on May 23, 2014, with Matt Reeves in the direction and Serkis will reprise his role as Caesar.

Movies from the saga Planet of the Apes

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