Saga Millennium

Based on the book series initiated by the deceased Stieg Larsson, "Millennium" originally had three novels written by Larsson: 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo', 'The Girl Who Played with Fire' and 'The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest'. These would join in 2014 'The Girl in the Spider's Web' first novel in the saga written by a different author, David Lagercrantz. Film adaptations started in 2009 in Sweden with Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth Salander and Michael Nyqvist as Mikael Blomkvist. The three accommodations are progressively released the same year 2009. Two years later came the American version directed by David Fincher and Rooney Mara as Lisbeth and Daniel Craig as Blomkvist. With the publication of the fourth book, Sony plans to continue with the saga ignoring the second and third books. Mara would be willing to re-play the character although it is not known if Daniel Craig and David Fincher come back again.