Saga Fifty Shades

'Fifty Shades' is the cinematographic saga based on the erotic best-seller trilogy written by E. L. James who created the story after she wrote a fan-fiction novel based on Stephenie Meyer's book 'Twilight'.
Since its beginning, the 'Fifty Shades' saga had overcome serious difficulties to represent all the explicit scenes that caracterizase the original work due to the conservative film rating that exist in the United States.
Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel were the favorites to assume the roles of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. The production company finally cast Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnan but he had to leave due to incompatible schedules. He was replaced by Jamie Dornan.
The first movie of the saga, 'Fifty Shades of Grey' directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, got a worldwide total gross of 570 million dollars. The second and the third movie from the 'Fifty Shades' saga will be directed by James Foley. Both shooting are planned to be done simultaneously and they set their release dates on February 2017 and 2018.