Recent Oscar award winner, Guillermo del Toro ('The Shape of Water') could have found his next project in a new film adaptation of Roald Dahl's 'The Witches'.
The novel was originally brought to the big screen back in 1990 by director Nicolas Roeg. The film introduced us to a group of witches who disguised themselves as normal women and wanted to kill all of the children in England. Thankfully, their plans were foiled thanks to Luke and his grandmother Helga.

An MSN article, in which the outlet quotes a few other sources, kicked off the rumours. The article reads that del Toro has the choice of four upcoming projects, one of which is Roald Dahl's classic. The director is also working on a stop motion version of 'Pinocchio'. "I have given myself until September to decide, then I will pick one of the four and prepare to make it", del Toro reportedly mentioned.
Working with Sally Hawkins
Speaking about working with actress, Sally Hawkins on 'The Shape of Water', the director revealed, "every time we meet up or speak on the phone or send an email the word «when» is included. As in: «When are we to work together again?!»" We wonder if we'll see Hawkins in the iconic role as the Grand High Witch that Anjelica Huston portrayed so well in the original version.