With his motorbike and crossbow, it is clear that in 'The Walking Dead', Daryl is a man of accessories, but it seems that he won't just sport any old thing. During one day on set, on which Norman Reedus had to shoot a stunt scene for his character, driving without a helmet down a dangerous path, the filming team suggested that he use sunglasses in order to protect himself from potential damage to his eyes, with the stones which fly off the path. However, Reedus rejected the suggestion entirely.

After one take wearing the sunglasses in order to see how it looked, his answer was definite: "this is f-ing stupid. I won't wear a helmet, but I wore glasses?" (Curiously, however, it seems that some people do see the character as a sunglasses-wearing type; in 2017 McFarlane Toys made a Daryl Dixon action figure, with him wearing a pair of sunglasses.)
Reedus also spoke to Comicbook about the argument he has about another iconic accessory of his, the crossbow. The actor said that when he was given lines while aiming or firing the weapon, the audience was unable to see his mouth as he spoke, as a crossbow is meant to be held by the face. The audiovisual team were not happy about this, saying that it was necessary to see his mouth in order to make dubbing in postproduction easier and more realistic, thus proposing that he fire the weapon from his hip. Reedus was not best pleased by the suggestion, saying, "That's not how you shoot a crossbow. You don't shoot a crossbow from the hip. What are you, Scarface?"
Daryl Dixon's Next Plot
The last time we saw the character of Daryl Dixon was in the first half of the ninth season of 'The Walking Dead', as they discover the new enemy, the Whisperers, when Daryl unmasks a surviving human who is posing as a mindless walker after the murder of Jesus (Tom Payne).
According to the trailer for the second part of season 9, Daryl will play a central role in the conflict against the Whisperers, and we could even see him engaged in battle with Beta, the second in command of the Whisperers. The next episode of 'The Walking Dead' will become available on Sunday 10th February on AMC.