It's pretty common knowledge that Stephen King isn't the biggest fan of Stanley Kubrick's cinematic adaptation of his novel, 'The Shining', but most recently the author has lashed out about it in his newest book, 'The Outsider'.
In his latest novel, King introduces a character, who, at one point in the story, mentions how they're watching Kubrick's 'Paths of Glory' because, in their own words, "it's better than 'The Shining'".

Despite the jab, King has often praised Kubrick, calling him "a terrifically smart guy" that's "made some of the movies that mean a lot to me". King's comments make it clear then, that whilst he disagrees with Kubrick's creative vision on 'The Shining', he's got nothing against the filmmaker.
In fact, upon speaking about 'The Shining' in its early days, King revealed he had high hopes for the production: "I'd admired Kubrick for a long time and had great expectations for the project, but I was deeply disappointed in the end result".
The acting
King also picked up on talents Shelley Duvall and Jack Nicholson. Referring to the character Wendy, the author revealed, "one of the most misogynistic characters ever put on film, she's basically just there to scream and be stupid and that's not the woman that I wrote about".
On the other hand, Jack, looks as "crazy as a shit house rat" in the beginning of the film. "In the book, he's a guy who's struggling with his sanity and finally loses it. To me, that's a tragedy. In the movie, there's no tragedy because there's no real change". King criticised the actors during the promotional tour of 'Doctor Sleep' the sequel to 'The Shining'.