It seems like it was yesterday, but sadly no; it was in fact in 2005, 13 years ago, that 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' came to the big screen. The four starring children were, at the time, between the ages of only 8 and 16, but after this film and their sequels, the four actors have never returned to the screen with such iconic roles as these. Recently William Moseley, who played the role of the eldest brother, Peter, uploaded a photo of the four Pevensie siblings, who were celebrating the birthday of Anna Popplewell, the actress who played Susan.
Georgie Henley, who starred in the role of the youngest sibling, Lucy, also uploaded a photo of the family reunion.
After the phenomenal response to the first installment in 'The Chronicles of Narnia', none of the four actors saw this same level of success repeated, and when the two sequels in the saga did not receive the success that the producer desired, she decided not to continue with the saga. Netflix is currently working on their own adaptation of the novels, parallel to preparations for the final film, 'The Silver Chair', but neither will feature appearances from the original actors.

Life After Narnia
While William Moseley has starred in various films over the past few years, such as 'The Little Mermaid' and 'Friend Request', Anna Popplewell spent several years working on the American TV drama, 'Reign'. Georgie Henley is a actress, director and activist who recently starred in 'Access all Areas', while Skandar Keynes had a complete career change and now works as a political advisor in the UK.
Almost ten years after we last saw them together on the big screen, in 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader', the four actors have grown up considerably and are almost unrecognisable as the children who played such key roles in our childhoods.