Warner Bros. production 'Mowgli' is set to hit UK cinemas in a few months' time. The new cinematic adaptation of Rudyard Kipling's famous novels has a star-studded cast, as well as a pretty well known director: Andy Serkis. The cast is made up of the likes of Cate Blanchett, Benedict Cumberbatch and Christian Bale, among others, and we're sure Serkis will be making his own appearance too. 'Mowgli' releases on 19th October, but for now, take a look at the first trailer.
With Serkis in the directing seat, it's almost a given that we'll see a much darker version of events than Rudyard Kipling perhaps first imagined. The storyline will follow Mowgli (Rohan Chand), a human boy born in the jungle and raised by a pack of wolves. Taking place in India, we'll get to see Mowgli learn firsthand from the animals that raised him, including friends Baloo and Bagheera. As the story goes, Mowgli's somewhat peaceful life in the jungle is soon disrupted by the arrival of the terrifying tiger, Shere Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch). Opposed to Baloo and Bagheera, Shere Khan believes man's place is in the village and not the jungle, and so does everything in his power to prove his point. Faced up against the dangers of the wild, Mowgli soon realises that he's perhaps not so different to the other humans as he might've thought.

Andy Serkis back on the look-out for the ring?
As we reported a few months back, Amazon are planning a new series based upon the 'The Lord of the Rings' saga. Given the successful films, there's a likelihood, albeit a small one, that some of the cast could return for the new series. In an interview with CinemaBlend, Andy Serkis let on to his reservations about playing Gollum once again. "I don't think so. And if I was anyone making those, they're obviously going to want to start fresh and create something brand new. And that's how it should be. That's what you do with great, classic pieces of work". Serkis seems certain that Amazon will be on the look-out for fresh talent, although recent news suggests the streaming company are hoping to sign director, Peter Jackson.