While the 'Fifty Shades' films have delighted millions of spectators from all over the world, it seems that it was not all smiles for the stars. Dakota Johnson has already stated that "shooting two films back to back, where the majority is the same, over and over, did get a little bit tedious", referring to the sex scenes that she shot with her co-star, Jamie Dornan, who has also now stated that he would never go back to playing Christian Grey.

Dornan made a statement for Vulture in which he made it clear that, while he owes everything to the films based on the works by E.L. James, it was only one job among many and that he needs to move on:
"To speak for myself, and I'll speak for Dakota as well, it's another job on another set. I probably won't ever take a job with this much attention and scrutiny and public opinion directed at it again. And that's fine! From a practical point of view, you just move on to the next and keep your head down. But listen, it's given us so much. The work that I've been doing has been a million miles from that, and not even by choice. You just keep plugging away, doing good work, and trying to better yourself."
Despite not wanting to repeat a similar experience with such a forceful fanbase and in the centre of the public eye, the actor also said in the interview that he learned a lot from it and that he is grateful to have participated in such an important project.
Jamie Dornan and Robert Pattinson
After the end of the 'Fifty Shades' saga, Jamie Dornan decided to direct himself towards lower-budget films, just the same as Robert Pattinson did when he finished the 'Twilight' saga and focused on independent films like 'High Life' or 'Good Time'.
In the interview with Vulture, Donan also spoke about his great friendship with the Edward Cullen actor: "I've known Rob just about my entire career, actually, long before 'Twilight' ... He and I were bumming around London, looking for work like any other actor on that side of the world. Any British actor currently between 28 and 40, we pretty much all ran in the same circles. God, I get nightmares thinking about the apartment he used to live in. He always wanted to make stuff like 'Good Time', that's where his head is."
Spectators can continue enjoying Jamie Dornan in films such as 'My Dinner with Hervé' alongside Peter Dinklage, the new 'Robin Hood' with Taron Egerton and Jamie Fox, and soon he will be lending his voice to 'Trolls 2', which will stream in 2020.