Since returning in 2005, 'Doctor Who' has had four doctors (leaving aside "Handy", the War Doctor, and the one of David Morrissey) two showrunners and two Masters, one played by John Simm and his female counterpart, Missy (Michelle Gómez).
Now, and seven years after 'The End of Time', John Simm will resume his role as The Master, a definitive nemesis of the Doctor, to face Peter Capaldi, his new companion Bill Potts (Pearl Mackie) and Nardole (Matt Lucas) . The news comes from the mouth of Simm himself: "I can confirm that it is true. Thanks to the power of time travel I am back.It is always a pleasure to work with this great team and I can not wait for you to see what Master has Prepared for next season."

Could the Master of Simm come face to face with Missy? According to Steven Moffat, we can sense that this is precisely what is going to happen: "It has been a great pleasure to have both of the fans favorites, John Simm and Michelle Gomez, face to face in the same role! It is not frequent to see such a clash of personalities." In addition, after the events of The Day of the Doctor, the idea does not seem so outlandish, after all, Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt could be together without the world imploding in one of the chapters with the chemistry of the Moffat era.
The Master, played by Simm is the maximum representation of the madness and one of the most complex enemies that had to face Tennant. The Master and the Doctor are two Time Lord of the planet Gallifrey who took very different paths. The Master became prime minister and substituted the DNA of all the people of the planet for his among other evils. An epic enemy we can not hope to recover.

A universe of possibilities
It is not very common for Moffat to reclaim characters from the Russell T. Davies era, unless he has written them. River Song (Alex Kingston) and the Weeping Angels belong to chapters with Moffat scripts and the Daleks, Ice Warriors, Cybermen and others are classic monsters in the series. It's true that 'Blink', 'Silence in the Library' or 'The Girl in the Fireplace' are big episodes written by Moffat, but since Davies quit the show and he took over Showrunner's place, his taste for paradoxes , Script twists and metaphorical fireworks has complicated the series too much and created a huge distance between the two eras.
Simm's return, as well as a celebration for fans, is an open door to new opportunities, is it possible that we will see Captain Jack Harkness again in the future (eg, Boe's Face, Lady Cassandra or Adorable Adipose? Only time and Chris Chibnall (the next showrunner) will say.
The tenth season of 'Doctor Who' returns on April 15 to the BBC.