Conor McGregor is mostly known round the world as one of the best MMA fighters to ever compete in the UFC, but he's also a bit of a media star. In addition to having made several appearances on the Conan O'Brien show, 'Conan', along with a video capture performance in 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare', but he has yet to take the big step into movies.

The latest rumors say that McGregor is to appear in season 7 of 'Game of Thrones', something the Irishman has not discounted. "I heard about it once after [a fight]", says McGregor, "backstage in the dressing room. [UFC brass, including Dana White, were] in front of me and they were saying 'these [visitors] want you to be in 'Game of Thrones''".
But, it seems that McGregor turned down the offer, "I said I don't want to be in show-business, I'm trying to be in the fight business, come at me with a real number to fight again!"
The same with 'The Predator'
McGregor is consistent when he says that he does not want to be in show business, since the 'Game of Thrones' rejection, he mentioned he even rejected a role in the upcoming reboot of 'The Predator' where he would play the 'lead role'. However, he did note, that this role interested him more, if the money was right.

"I'll tell you there's a lot of offers that I've turned down.", he said, "I got offered 'The Predator' movie. There's a new 'Predator' movie coming out and the guys came to me ? did you see that horse thing i've done, the horse racing? That was like three days solid work for a hell of a lot of money, for three days. During that three day course, the people from 'Predator' who are having this new 'Predator' movie, a blockbuster...They came in and tried to the sell the whole shit. 'We want you to be the main guy and you're gonna fight [the] Predator' and I'm like 'This sounds brilliant! How much?'
Seeing how negotiations ended, not enough. It seems that McGregor is more for his MMA work than acting.