Following the recent launch of the final 'Avengers: Infinity War' trailer, predictions and speculations with regard to which characters will have most screen time have been flying. Luckily for us, one of the directors, Joe Russo spoke to Fandango recently, silencing us eager fans, for now, at least. Russo revealed that the character with most screen time is set to be the villain, Josh Brolin's, Thanos. The God of thunder, Thor isn't far behind, alongside guardian of the galaxy, Gamora.

"Interestingly enough, I'll start out by saying Thanos, even though he's not a character that had a huge preexisting story in the Marvel universe. He was a threat but he was not developed in any way up to this point", began the director.
"Thanos has an incredible amount of screen time in this film, in a lot of ways I would say it's his movie. Our job when we make these films - and what we feel is important to us - is to surprise the audience. We wanted to tell a story that they weren't expecting, and the story is told from the point of view of a villain, which I think is also really unique and risky for a commercial film", he continued.
Despite Thanos having most screen time, he's not alone, for Russo also revealed we'll see quite a bit of Thor and Gamora.

"I think you'll find that Thor has a really interesting arc in the film. He hasn't been at the forefront of other Avengers movies but he certainly has a very important role in this film", he hinted, before continuing that, "you could argue, too, that a lot of the film is told from the point of view of Gamora, and I think she has a really fascinating arc in the movie". Russo is just one half of the directing team for this film; he's usually joined by his brother, Anthony: together they've worked on both critically and publicly acclaimed, 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' and 'Captain America: Civil War'.
The time has come
Following a catalogue of 18 films, each released in three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the long awaited fight against Thanos has finally begun. 'Avengers: Infinity War' will hit UK cinemas on 27th April and will mark an Avengers and Guardians union along with the aid of newcomers like Doctor Strange and Ant-Man. One of the crucial moments in the MCU will be Gamora's reunion with her stepfather, which is sure to mark a turning point for the future of the universe as it moves on to it's fourth phase. There's still a little time to wait for the film's release, but we're more than ready for it!