
'Wilson' trivia and fun facts

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Woody Harrelson and Laura Dern also appear in Star Wars movies. Dern in Star Wars The Last Jedi and Harrelson in the Untitled Han Solo movie.

Jurassic Park

Laura Dern and Judy Greer have both been in a Jurassic Park film. Dern was in Jurassic Park (1993) and Jurassic Park III (2001) while Greer was in Jurassic World (2015).


Woody Harrelson and Laura Dern are currently filming in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Difficulties in locations

Several scenes were filmed at the Ramsey County Correctional Facility in St. Paul Minnesota, which is a working correctional facility. While filming in the jail, Woody Harrelson asked for the air conditioning to be turned off. This request was denied due to the inconvenience that it would place on the officers, staff, and inmates of the facility.

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