Werewolf of London

Werewolf of London
Poster Werewolf of London

Title: Werewolf of London

Original Title: Werewolf of London

Year: 1935


Release Dates

  • United States: May 13 1935


We are in Tibet, where the botanist, Dr. Wilfred Glendon, is trying to locate a flower that only grows in this part of the world under the influence of the moon. The flower is found in a dangerous part of Tibet and the Sherpas who accompanied it flee to find out where they go from entering. This article has no description in English yet. After finding her a mysterious wolf attacks him, biting him on the arm and turning him into a lycanthrope.

When Dr. returns to London (with the flower in his hands), he is advised by Dr. Yogami that this flower contains some peculiarities. With the first full moon Dr. Glendon transforms into a lycanthrope, satisfying his thirst for blood.


Warner Oland

Warner Oland

Dr. Yogami

Lawrence Grant

Lawrence Grant

Sir Thomas Forsythe

Spring Byington

Spring Byington

Miss Ettie Coombes


Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London
Werewolf of London

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