
'Unlocked' trivia and fun facts


In order to expand the storyline and its universe of paranoia, cunning, betrayal and reversal of unexpected situations, the authors were inspired by the great classics of espionage, such as The Third Man of Carol Reed or Three Days of the Condor, thriller of Sydney Pollack centered on a plot, but also of more contemporary genre works, like the saga Jason Bourne. In addition to the FBI, a CIA adviser and a former member of the US Navy Commando, Navy SEAL, have been very supportive of the most technical aspects of the scenario and have enabled Peter O'Brien to master the jargon necessary to ensure the authenticity of the film.


The producer Georgina Townsley made her debut in feature films with this film, more specialized in the usual documentaries. His society first developed Locked project in 2006 before calling on screenwriter Peter O'Brien to develop this spy thriller located in London and centered around a female character.


The screenplay for this film was featured in the 2008 Blacklist; a list of the "most liked" unmade scripts of the year.

Accidents on set

Noomi Rapace fractured her nose during filming when an elbow accidentally hit her face. She, however, didn't realize the extent of the injury until much later so, after a brief black out, she just got up and insisted on carrying on with the scene. As of April 2015, the fracture had yet to be mended and had healed up in a broken state (meaning it needs to be re-broken up again in order to fix).

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