'The Shape of Water' trivia and fun facts

Elisa and Sally

Guillermo del Toro who is the director said about Sally Hawkings: "Not only was she the first choice, she was the only choice. I wrote the movie for Sally, I wrote the movie for Michael [Shannon]... Sally is, I wanted the character of Elisa to be beautiful, in her own way, not in a way that is like a perfume commercial kind of way. That you could believe that this character, this woman would be sitting next to you on the bus. But at the same time she would have a luminosity, a beauty, almost magical, ethereal."

Similar reasonable

The film has similarities with the Soviet Alexander Belyaev 'Amphibian Man'

Made to her

Most of the characters were written for an actors they imagine in their minds. Octavia Spencer told that her character is a mix between her role in 'The Help' and 'Hidden Figures'.

Piece of art

After seeing film's trailer Kevin smith tweeted "Seeing something as beautiful as this makes me feel stupid for ever calling myself a 'Director.'"

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