The Reagan Show

The Reagan Show
Poster The Reagan Show

Title: The Reagan Show

Original Title: The Reagan Show

Year: 2017


Release Dates

  • UK: October 06 2017
  • United States: June 30 2017


Sierra Pettengill y Pacho Velez had taken the decision of make a documentary about President Reagan. For that, they had taken recording of himself and directs news about the administration of theses years. This movie informs about the political event rose up between 1981 to 1989 and about the capabilities of public speaking that was created for and by the television.

All the movie are composed only with the collect material of the previous studies that had been carrying through by the directors.

Ronald Reagan was a innovative leading figure inside the modern politics that permitted a increase of GDP and the job increase in America. However, when we talk about conflicts with other nations, maybe his decisions wasn't the best choice.



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