'The Predator' trivia and fun facts

What is it called the high school like that?

The high school is named after the 'Predator' producer Lawrence Gordon.

New story

The director has confirmed that the film will be a sequel and not a remake because he was interested in exploring the rich mythology established in the original franchise, but it has also been described as an inventive sequel, that will not stick strictly to previous canon.

Shane Black

The film is directed and co-written by Shane Black, who had played Hawkins in the original film.

Adrien Brody

The actor Adrien Brody was very interesting in reprising his role from 'Predators' (2010).

Without Arnold

Arnold Schwarzenegger won't participate in this sequel.

You'll never see him coming

The slogan in the teaser poster, "You'll never see him coming", is a reference to Iron Man 3 (2013), also directed by Shane Black. In 'Iron Man 3' the character of The Mandarin uses the line, "You'll never see me coming..."

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