The Painting

The Painting
Poster The Painting

Title: The Painting

Original Title: Le tableau

Year: 2011


Release Dates

  • UK: April 28 2014
  • United States: May 10 2013


For a strange reason, a painter left one of his paintings unfinished. Now that it is not, the characters in the paintings come to life. Therefore, in the canvas that is not finished, three layers of society are created. On one side are the "Allduns" (Toupins), those characters who are fully portrayed and enjoying privileges; On the other side are the "Halfies" (Pafinis), those that are almost finished but to which they have certain parts unpainted; And finally the "Sketchies" (Reufs), those that remained in mere doodles. In such an unjust society, Halfies and the Sketchies will make a rebellion, coming out of their canvas and looking for the painter to finish his work. In that quest, the protagonists will encounter other portraits, which will help discover what happened to the creator of all this art. Directed by Jean-François Laguionie and nominated to César for Best Animated Film, the film is inspired by the paintings Matisse, Derain and Bonnard.



The Painting
The Painting
The Painting
The Painting
The Painting
The Painting
The Painting
The Painting

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