The Golem
The Golem

'The Golem' trivia and fun facts

No Golem in the last 100 years

About how they came up with this idea, Doron and Yoav have said: "We realized that nobody ever did a Golem film in the last hundred years and Golem stories were something we grew up on. It?s like the Jewish Frankenstein".

Horror freaks

Doron & Yoav Paz, The Paz Brothers, are Israeli filmmakers known for their horror flicks.

The old tales

The most famous mythological Golem story is about the Rabbi in Prague. The basic elements of all the different versions are always the same. There are people trying to destroy Jewish villages and kill the Jews. The rabbi creates a Golem out of mud and clay and prayers and it comes to life. The Golem saves the city or town, but eventually the Golem goes out of control and is unstoppable. Finally, the rabbi has to kill it.

No, then yes

Hani Furstenberg heard it?s a horror movie and didn?t want to do it. She didn?t even come to the audition. Then, when she goes back home to New York, she read the script. She realized it wasn't really a horror movie, so she accepted.

A deepest horror

Doron has said in an interview that "I think that the really good horror movies are much more sophisticated, dramatic, character-driven and deep. The psychology behind them is much more powerful than just seeing some jump scares and stuff like that. You can do like 1 or 2 jump scares in a horror movie, but if you?re going to do like 10 jump scares the audience eventually will want a good story".

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