'Tenet' trivia and fun facts

Debut in Hollywood

It is the first work of Indian actress Dimple Kapadia in Hollywood.

Everything remains in family

Kenneth Branagh directed the father of the protagonist (John David Washington), Denzel Washington, in the movie Much Ado About Nothing in 1993.

Sorrounded by Batman

Robert Pattinson received the news that he would be the next Batman would in the first day of filming of this film. Christopher Nolan directed the Dark Knight trilogy whose main character was Batman, played by Christian Bale.

Temporary reunion

Kenneth Branagh has previously worked with Christopher Nolan, in Dunkirk.

Metaphorical title

The title of the movie "Tenet" is a palindrome, a word that reads the same from the beginning as from the end.

Old friends

It's the eighth movie directed by Nolan in which Michael Caine participates.

Magic matches

A total of three actors participating in this film have played a character in the ?Harry Potter? saga: Robert Pattinson, Clémence Poésy and Kenneth Branagh. The first two in the same movie, the fourth: ?Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?; and the last one in the second installment, ?Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?.

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