Super Troopers 2
Super Troopers 2

'Super Troopers 2' trivia and fun facts

Production title

Parts of the movie were filmed in and around the Quabbin Resevoir State Park in Massachusetts under the title "Almond Benefits 2".

Filtration ahead of time

Fox had been waiting for an official statement regarding the release date but Steve Lemme inadvertently spilled the beans during an interview with a Burlington, Vermont journalist while in town doing a stand-up comedy show, thinking he was off the record. The journalist printed Lemme's admission in a local newspaper and the date hit half outlets too early. This presented potential problems for Fox and public relations professionals behind the film, as well as the many backers from the Indiegogo campaign. It was smoothed over, however, and April 20, 2018 was confirmed as the release date.Fox había estado esperando una declaración oficial sobre la fecha de lanzamiento, pero Steve Lemme se desató inadvertidamente durante una entrevista con un periodista de Burlington, Vermont, mientras estaba en la ciudad haciendo un espectáculo de comedia, pensando que no estaba registrado. El periodista imprimió la admisión de Lemme en un periódico local y la fecha llegó a la mitad de los medios demasiado pronto. Esto presentaba problemas potenciales para Fox y los profesionales de relaciones públicas detrás de la película, así como para los muchos patrocinadores de la campaña de Indiegogo. Sin embargo, se suavizó y el 20 de abril de 2018 se confirmó como la fecha de lanzamiento.

Collection campaign

On March 24th, 2015 Broken Lizard launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise $2 Million to produce the film. Just over 24 hours later they had already surpassed their goal and the movie was greenlit.

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