
'Summertime' trivia and fun facts

Director Catherine Corsini confessed that the names of the players come from two major activists feminism: "Thanks to the wonderful figure of Carole Roussopoulos, the first filmed the struggle of women, the first gay march outside the manifestation 1 May 1970. Together with Delphine Seyrig militants made wonderful films. I called Carole and Delphine to the players for them", said Corsini.

Corsini was documented, among other publications, based on 'Le torchon brûle' newspaper published by the women's liberation movement between May 1971 and June 1973.

In the production process, the director interviewed Catherine Deudon, photographer of the activities of the feminist movement, as well as other activists like Anne and Cathy Bernheim Zelenski.

The premiere in Spain (July 1, 2016) coincides with the weekend of LGBT Pride celebration.

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