Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi' trivia and fun facts

One of the heels that Carrie Fisher wore in the scene where she clamber on top of Jabba the Hutt accidentally pierced the puppet's latex hitting Mike Edmonds, the one responsible for moving the tail.

Jabba the Hutt had to be operated by six people who were responsible for moving the puppet.

In the battle of Endor many of the ships that were part of the background are actually "chewed-up gum". The crew knew there was so much action going on that people would not notice this things.

According to Ian McDiarmid, Emperor Palpatine has over a hundred years in this film.

David Lynch was about to direct the film, but rejected the project because he thought it was " a George Lucas thing".

Yoda was not in the original film, but George Lucas decided to add him when he realized it was the right character to confirm that Vader is Luke's father.

Carrie Fisher complained about her wardrobe in the first two films of the original trilogy saying that the outfits were so long, you could not tell "she was a woman". The result of these complaints was the little outfit that she wore as Jabba's slave in ''Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi''.

Some team members suspected of leaking information to the press, received a fake script in which it was stated that Lando Calrissian was the last hope of the Jedi, a fact which finally appeared in the media.

George Lucas fired Gary Kurtz, his friend and producer of the first two films of the original trilogy, because he did not agree with the director when he said that the audience didn´t mind about the story and only wanted a good show.

Hayden Christensen says he didn't know exactly what is it that George Lucas wanted when he shot the scene that was added to the film in the Special Edition. He says that if he had known his performance would have been totally different.

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