'Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith' trivia and fun facts
For some shots of the birth scene, some anatomical puppets were used to portrayed babies Luke and Leia. The actor Ewan McGregor was in charge of operating them.
George Lucas deliberately made the Darth Vader suit heavy to make Hayden Christensen appear uncomfortable.
The images of the Mustafar Volcano belong to the eruption of Etna that took place in Italy while the film was still rolling.
The designed of the volcanic world of Mustafar was designed from George Lucas's vision of hell.
The original cut of the film lasted for about four hours, one dedicated to Palpatine's rescue only.
George Lucas let his friend Steven Spielberg help him design some of the sequences in preproduction. Spielberg wanted to experiment with the techniques of "pre-visualisation" that ILM was developing because he wanted to use it in his film 'War of the Worlds'.
All scenes in which C-3PO appears had to be digitally retouched because the green screen was reflected in his golden armor.
Actor Ewan McGregor asked Lucasfilm for a looped reel with all the scenes of Alec Guinness to study his interpretation.
The Wookie costumes shown in this film were equipped with a cooling system that pump ice cold water to help cool down the actor wearing the suit.
''Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith'' is the only film in the series that has not been nominated for the Oscars in the category of Best Visual Effects.