Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun
Poster Son of a Gun

Title: Son of a Gun

Original Title: Son of a Gun

Year: 2014


Release Dates

  • UK: January 30 2015
  • United States: January 16 2015


Locked up for a minor crime, 19 year old JR quickly learns the harsh realities of prison life. Protection, if you can get it, is paramount. JR soon finds himself under the watchful eye of Australia's most notorious criminal, Brendan Lynch. But protection comes at a price. Lynch and his crew have plans for their young protegee. Upon release, JR must help secure Lynch's freedom, staging a daring prison break. As a reward, he's invited to join the crew as they plan a gold heist that promises to deliver millions. However, as things start to go wrong, a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues. JR finds himself unsure of whom he can trust and on a collision course with his former mentor.



Julius Avery Julius Avery


Trailer 'Son of a Gun' 2:19

Trailer 'Son of a Gun'

August 27 2014


Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun
Son of a Gun

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