'Ruben Brandt, Collector' trivia and fun facts
Acronym of artists
Ruben Brandt's name is the fusion of two famous artists: Reubens and Rembrandt.
Tribute to great filmmakers
Several scenes from ''Ruben Brandt, Collector'' are tributes to filmmakers like Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman, Luis Buñuel, Charlie Chaplin, Sergei Eisenstein, Federico Fellini, Alfred Hitchcock, John Huston, Stanley Kubrick, Lotte Reiniger, Georges Méliès and Lumiere Brothers.
Premiered in Locarno
The film had its international premiere at the 71st Locarno International Film Festival, and it can be seen in the Piazza Grande.
Review of the History of Art through time
Milorad Krstic wanted a review by the most important artists of Art History over time. Among the leading figures are from 'The Birth of Venus' (1486), by Sandro Botticelli, to 'Elvis I, II' (1964), by Andy Warhol. Other important paintings that appear are 'Woman with Fruit' (1872), by Paul Gauguin; 'The postman of Roulin' (1888), by Vincent Van Gogh; 'Princess Margaret with blue dress' (1659), by Diego Velázquez or 'Night Owls' (1942), by Edward Hopper.