Rough Cut

Rough Cut
Poster Rough Cut

Title: Rough Cut

Year: 2015


Release Dates

  • UK: October 16 2015


'Rough Cut' is a film directed by Owen Carey Jones, set mostly in southern France, which tells the story of a researcher who are hired in New York in order to find the source of some synthetic diamonds that have been introduced in the market for natural diamonds.

The film, which explores the danger posed by synthetic manmade diamonds, for the industry of natural diamonds, and is played by Stanley J. Browne, Joan Angelique, Matt Gras, Michel Benizri and David Coburn; It's an action thriller with a touch of romance.

The writer and director, Owen Carey Jones, is known for 'The Spell', A Mind of Her Own' or 'Baby Blues'. he has also produced some short films such as 'The Next Victim' and 'Love is Forever'.



Owen Carey Jones Owen Carey Jones

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