Rabb Da Radio

Rabb Da Radio
Poster Rabb Da Radio

Title: Rabb Da Radio

Year: 2017


  • Country: India
  • Length: 120 Minutes (2 hour)
  • Genre: Drama

Release Dates

  • UK: March 31 2017


'Rabb Da Radio' is the story of two brothers in a Punjabi family that do not get along. The movie is centered around the wife of one of the brothers, Naseeb, and her relationship with the daughter of the youngest brother of the family. A young rich man falls in love with Guddi and asks for Naseeb's help so he can marry her. When Naseeb denies him her help he will turn to his aunti so she arranges the marriage anyway. After that, Naseebs mother-in-law finds out and kicks Naseeb out of the house, she then cancells the arranged marriage. Will Naseeb be able to convince her mother-in-la and put things right again?


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