'Phantom Thread' videos and trailers


February 2 2018
Conversation clip  'Phamton thread' 0:41

Conversation clip 'Phamton thread'

Exclusive conversation's clip last Paul Thomas Anderson's movie 'Phamton thread'.

January 23 2018
Clip 2 'The phamton thread' 0:30

Clip 2 'The phamton thread'

Second clip for Spanish television of Paul Thomas Anderson's new film 'Phamton thread'.

January 23 2018
Clip 1 'Phamton thread' 0:20

Clip 1 'Phamton thread'

First clip for Spanish television of Paul Thomas Anderson's new film 'Phamton thread'.

January 23 2018
Spanish trailer 'Phamton thread' 2:30

Spanish trailer 'Phamton thread'

'The invisible thread' tells the story of a British designer at the 50s, his life is centered on dressing the royalty and the British nobility, until he meets Alma.

January 13 2018
'Phantom Thread' Trailer 2:15

'Phantom Thread' Trailer

The amazing life of Reynolds Woodcock (Daniel Day-Lewis) turns around when he meets his new muse, Alma (Vicky Krieps).

October 23 2017
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