'Pawn Sacrifice' trivia and fun facts


Both protagonists have been participants in the Marvel world, playing superheroes. Tobey Maguire 'Spider-Man' was the famous trilogy and Liev Schrieber played Sabertooth in 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'.


In some cases, when Bobby Fischer (Tobey Maguire) studies in his little chessboard, the board is placed with a black corner to the right. This is wrong, a very basic info is that when a serious game starts, it has to be with a white corner to the right of each player. This is distinctly defined in the rules of the game.

Joan Allen's son

Tobey Maguire played the son of Joan Allen in two films: La tormenta de hielo (1997) and Pleasantville (1998). Allen played the mother of a Chess prodigy in En busca de Bobby Fischer (1993).

The best in chess

Bobby Fischer is widely considered to be one of the best chess players to have ever lived.

Chess Grandmaster

Bobby Fischer was awarded the title of Chess Grandmaster in 1958.

Manchester City

Bobby was a fan of European football as well as chess, saying on several occasions that he followed Manchester United and dreamed of watching them live.


The screenplay for this film was featured in the 2009 Blacklist, a list of the most liked unmade scripts of the year.

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