Opus Zero

Opus Zero
Poster Opus Zero

Title: Opus Zero

Original Title: Opus Zero

Year: 2017


  • Country: Mexico Germany
  • Length: 84 Minutes (1 hour 24 min)
  • Budget: $1,500,000
  • Genre: Drama Fantasy
  • Studios: Piano

Release Dates

  • UK: August 09 2019


American composer Paul (Willem Dafoe) has worked all his life to complete a symphony left unfinished by another musician. When his father dies, Paul must travel to Real de Catorce. There he meets documentalist Daniel (Andrés Almeida), who also has an unfinished project. Together they will dig up the past in their search for answers.



Daniel Graham Daniel Graham


Opus Zero
Opus Zero
Opus Zero
Opus Zero
Opus Zero
Opus Zero
Opus Zero
Opus Zero

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