One Cut Of the Dead
One Cut Of the Dead

'One Cut Of the Dead' trivia and fun facts

Blood splash

Blood splash to the camera and swiping it is real happening of the one cut scene.

Original title

Original title "Kamera wo tomeru na!" in Japanese means "Don't stop shooting!".

A great achievement

Shot in 8 days.

A ruined perfect shot

According to actress Harumi Shuhama, the cast performed the one-take scene perfectly on the second try, but a crew error led to the cameras stopping during the take and it being unusable.

A matter of numbers

Cost $25,000 to make. Made over $25,000,000.

The actor paid for acting

Most of the cast paid money to be in this movie, at least initially, because this was a final product of an acting and directing workshop called ENBU Seminar.

Sequence shot

The first 37 minutes was actually shot in one take. It took 2 days and 6 takes for the cast and crew to get the perfect one.

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