
Soundtrack from 'My Name Is Nobody'

Il Mio Nome E' Nessuno (My Name Is Nobody) (Main Title)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Buona Fortuna, Jack (Good Luck, Jack)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Mucchio Selvaggio (The Wild Bunch)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Se Sei Qualcuno E' Colpa Mia (If You Are Somebody, It's My Fault)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Con I Migliori Auguri (With Best Wishes)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Uno Strano Barbiere (A Strange Barber)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Più Delle Walkirie (More Than The Walkyries)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Una Insolita Attesa (A Queer Wait)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

Balletto Degli Specchi (Ballet Of The Mirrors)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra

La Favola Dell'Uccellino (Fable Of The Little Bird)
Interpretada por Written Ennio Morricone And His Orchestra
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