The secret of Marrowbone
The secret of Marrowbone

'The secret of Marrowbone' trivia and fun facts

Unknown cast

The cast is mostly quite unknown to the nature of history.


Filming locations have been in Asturias and on the sets of Terrassa in Barcelona, over 8 weeks.

Too much action

The team have to reproduce in two sets some house's parts because they couldn't recorder in there.


The original idea for the movie arose in the middle of a play between the director and Belén Atienza, where they had to purpose histories in one minute.

Asturian Melody

The movie's melody has been created by the OSPA, the Orquesta Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias (Symphonic Orchestra of the Asturias Principality).


The director rewrote the screenplay 21 times.

Young cast

The principal characters have between 7 and 25 years.


The director compares the movie with a Russian doll, because the history develops.

Releasing colleagues

Sergio G. Sánchez and Juan Antonio Bayona have worked together on 'The Impossible', where Juan Antonio Bayona was the director and Sergio G. Sánchez the screenwriter.


He history is based somewhere in the American northwest's coastline.

Magic choices

Karen Lindsay-Stewart, the casting's director in the saga 'Harry Potter', has chose all the cast.

International Money

They have financed these film with the money that they earned in the Cannes Festival.

Goya's soundtrack

The music score was created by Fernando Velázquez, who also worked in 'Crimson Peak' or 'Mama', and also won a Goya thanks to 'A Monster Calls'.

Debutante director

It's the first movie of Sergio G. Sánchez as director.

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