Lo que hicimos fue secreto
Lo que hicimos fue secreto

'Lo que hicimos fue secreto' trivia and fun facts


'Lo que hicimos fue secreto' talked with a lot of famous personalities like Ramoncin, Manolo UVI, Nacho Canut, Pollo Larsen, Ana Curra, Fernando Potencial HC, Sin Dios, Servan Rocha, Espasmodicos, Aerobitch...and 70 more.

The concept

This concept begins when three of the creators met at the master of Communication, Culture and Digital Citizenship at the Rey Juan Carlos University. There, they had to present a project, and they decided to take the idea from David Álvarez García, who had thought about it during his work with the audiovisual cooperative he was part of.


'Lo que hicimos en secreto' could be made thanks to a crowdfunding campaign in "Goteo". It got 8615 euros.


'Lo que hicimos fue secreto' was shown up at the In-Edit Music Festival in Barcelona, during its 2016 edition.

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