Light Light Light

Light Light Light
Poster Light Light Light

Title: Light Light Light

Original Title: Valoa valoa valoa

Year: 2023



1986. After the Chernobyl disaster, in northern Ukraine, Mimi travels to a Finnish town where her family tries to start a new life. Mimi must face new faces that look at her like someone from the outside; from other world. However, there Mimi meets Mariia, 15 years old, a dull girl whose life changes with an unforgettable summer alongside her. 20 years later, Mariia returns to her hometown to take care of her mother, who is very sick. The problem arises when Mariia, upon returning, begins to remember that time in 1986 when her life took a 360-degree turn thanks to Mimi, whom she has lost track of since then. The past, unattainable, rests on Mariia, uncovering a present as terrifying as it is painful.

'Light Light Light' is an adaptation of the award-winning novel by the Finnish writer Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen. Her story has been translated into a screenplay by scrpitwriter Juuli Niemi and directed by Inari Niemi.

This drama about unattainable pasts stars Rebekka Baer, Anni Iikkanen, Laura Birn, Pirjo Lonka, Annaleena Sipilä, Janne Reinikainen, Kanerva Paunio and Bruno Baer.

The film is produced by the Lucy Loves Drama company. Likewise, it is distributed by Reverso Films, which has scheduled its theatrical release for September 6, 2024.



Inari Niemi Inari Niemi


Light Light Light
Light Light Light
Light Light Light
Light Light Light
Light Light Light
Light Light Light
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