Let Me Make You a Martyr

Let Me Make You a Martyr
Poster Let Me Make You a Martyr

Title: Let Me Make You a Martyr

Original Title: Let Me Make You a Martyr

Year: 2016


Release Dates

  • United States: May 25 2017


Pope is a hit man with unknown plans who have been hired to murder Drew, the son of a shady businessman. He has been hired by Drew's own father, Larry, who has learned that his son intends to murder him to escape with his adoptive sister and lover. Because Drew does not know she's pissed at their father. But nothing will come out as none of them expected when the hitman takes part in his complex intrigues and betrayals.

Corey Asraf and John Swab direct and write 'Let Me Make You a Martyr'. Marilyn Manson plays Pope, the hitman. He is accompanied in the cast by Mark Boone Junior, Sam Quartin, Niko Nicotera and Michael Potts.



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